Coffee with Kel

Is it November yet?

I really don’t want to wish life away, so I don’t literally want it to be November quite yet. I want to savor October and enjoy all of the adventures of early fall. But, honestly, in some ways I do wish it were November so that this election season would be behind us already. I am already over it. I never fail to be disillusioned by candidates and this year is no exception. All the slinging back and forth, all the he said/she said, all the fluff talk and especially all the lies. I’m just done with it. I sometimes wish we could vote “none of the above” and start over fresh. Don’t get me wrong, I have chosen my Presidential candidate and I will confidently place my vote. It’s just that I wish that campaigns were run more cleanly on both sides. I wish that candidates would just stand on their own truthful platforms and run for this nation and not against someone else. I wish they would all clean up their acts. I suppose that sounds naive and is in many ways wishful thinking. But, honestly, if my children behaved the way some of these politicians do, I’d be embarrased. Name calling, mudslinging, lie-telling. When does it end? Those are not qualities I expect in a leader of this great nation.

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