Coffee with Kel

Keep Nurses in Georgia Schools!

From the Georgia Association of School Nurses:

In 2000 the Governor at that time (Barnes) appropriated $30 million of the Tobacco Settlement funds toward School Nurse Salaries. In 2004 that money was moved to the Department of Community Health to be used to draw down federal match funds to support the Indigent Care Trust funding for hospitals and then it was returned to the Department of Education to continue funding some School Nursing positions. In 2006 Governor Perdue moved that funding to the Department of Education budget as a line item where it reportedly would be more “safe” from reallocation for other agencies.

In the Governors 2010 Budget proposal, this line item is completely eliminated. This $30 million is only a small portion of what is required to staff nurses in all schools. The counties who do staff nurses in all schools are doing so for the most part with local funds (received from the Ad Valorem taxes). Some systems also participate in the Medicaid reimbursement for some approved R.N. provided services, grants and various other limited sources.

As a parent with one child in Georgia public school and another one coming up to public school in a few years, I find this to be an outrage.  Removing nurses from schools is of detriment to our schools.  Nurses do so much and are of so much value to schools. Removing them is not only causing a loss of jobs, but is also potentially putting students in jeopardy. Any cuts to funding for schools is cause for alarm. So, please, if you live in Georgia, sign this petition to let our Legislators know that we do not support this decision. Please also email Governor Perdue and your local representatives. If we take action, maybe we can put a stop to this before it causes any harm to Georgia’s schools and children.

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