Coffee with Kel

Seeking Motivation

Ugh. I need my motivation back because it’s missing. Motivation for weight-loss, that is. A couple of summers ago, I finally got my act together, did Weight Watchers and lost over 25 pounds. I was so proud of myself. I felt great in so many ways. Well, gradually, most of that weight has found its way back to my body. I haven’t gained it all back, but I have put on probably 15 pounds of it. YUCK! Several weeks ago, I started using Spark People to track my calories each day. That was working beautifully for me. I went out of town, got off rhythm and now I’m in a not-so-good rut again. Tonight I had to try on swim suits at TJ Maxx and absolutely know that I must get my motivation back and get this weight off. I really MUST!! I can’t stand having wiggly-jiggly body parts and it just pains me go up in sizes. So, I believe that tomorrow morning I’ll get back to counting my calories with Spark People for a start. My friend Terri and I are talking about doing the Couch to 5k program, so hopefully we can start that very soon too. I can admit that part of why I want to lose weight is a vanity issue. But, seriously, a really large part of it is that I want to set a good healthy example for my girls. I don’t ever want them to think that yo-yo dieting is the way to go. I’d rather all of us develop and maintain healthy habits for life. So, here I go. Yes, I’m starting again and that’s sort of like a yo-yo, but maybe this bathing suit season will remind me enough that it’s worth it to maintain and not let it go. Please…wish me luck.

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