Coffee with Kel

Daylight Savings

{{{YAWN}}} We are still adjusting to Daylight Savings Time in our house, are y’all? I’m sure we’ll adjust in another couple of days, but for now we’re kind of thrown off kilter a little bit. Mariana had a hard time going to sleep last night and slept in this morning. That would have been a nice treat if we didn’t have to get up at 6:30 to get breakfast ready and get Macey off to school.

Spring is taking its sweet time in gracing us with its permanent presence. The last few days have been chilly. I know I keep saying this, but I am SOOOO ready for warm weather to get here and stay. We are leaving for the beach three weeks from today and I keep holding out hope that it’ll be nice and warm by that time, at least. We are ready to soak up some sun, play in the sand and just have a really relaxing vacation at the beach. I cannot wait!!

Hope everyone has a great day. Rise and shine and give God the glory. 🙂

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