Coffee with Kel

Ear Tubes…

I couldn’t think of anything more original to title this post. So, it’s just “ear tubes.” That’s because our baby girl, Mariana, is having ear tubes put in tomorrow. Last fall and winter she had a rough go of it as far as colds and ear infections, etc. She finally got some relief through spring and summer, but as soon as fall rolled back around this year her health troubles started again. The worst of this year’s bouts started around Thanksgiving. She got sick then and just could NOT shake it for a long time. It’s a long story, but the general gist is that we wound up changing pediatricians and got one that will listen to us. Her old ped was pretty insistent that her colds and such were asthma related and I insisted they were sinus related. The only time she had any relief was on antibiotics and she just can’t live on those, as we all know. Anyway. Cutting to the chase, she is getting tubes put in tomorrow to help with all the ear infections and chronic fluid she has in her ears. The surgery is “simple” as surgeries go. I’m not at all worried about that part. I’m nervous about the anesthesia. But, we will pray our way through it and continue to have nothing but hope that our girl comes through it feeling MUCH better and relieved on the other side.

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