Coffee with Kel


Have any of y’all taken a Zumba class? I have heard about it for awhile and finally got up my nerve to take a class at the Y last fall. I loved it! It’s an intense workout, but it’s so much fun!! I haven’t been in a couple of months, but I’m planning to go back this morning. It’s a rainy day here today, so I wish I could say that I’m excited and ready to go to Zumba, but I’d really like to just curl up in bed with a book. However, I know I need this workout, so I’ll dig up the motivation and go to Zumba. I think. 😉

If you haven’t heard of Zumba, it’s a workout that blends aerobics and dance, basically. It’s mostly Latin dance inspired. Constant motion is the key. I was hesitant to try it initially. I love to dance, but I’m not exactly the most coordinated person in the world. (My most embarrassing workout story is from the 90s. I was taking step aerobics and could NOT get coordinated enough to step, swing my arms, etc. all in the right timing. The step instructor literally got ON my step with me and I still couldn’t quite get it quickly. Yikes!) Several friends encouraged me to just TRY Zumba and assured me I’d like it. The key, I was told, is to just keep moving. Even if you’re not doing what the rest of the class is doing at the time, just MOVE. So, I did it. I’m not going to say I got all the moves right, but I did it. And, I really enjoyed it! Zumba really gets the blood pumping and is a great calorie burner. What’s not to like about that? I enjoy the Thursday morning class at the Y, so I really need to get in gear and get going this morning so I can get there and get my dance on!

Happy Thursday!

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