Coffee with Kel

He’s Always There…



 I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 NASB




Today, I was listening to Hillsong United’s Aftermath CD. (Side note: if you don’t have it, get it. It’s amazing.) The song Aftermath was on and I heard certain parts of it with new clarity today.  The whole song is powerful to me, but the part that really struck a chord with me today were the lyrics “And, I know you’re with me. Yes, I know you’re with me here…” 

Who else out there is like me and knows in your heart that God is truly always with us, but, yet, we don’t really stop to think about that throughout our days? God is as present as the very air we breathe and sometimes, I shamefully admit, I don’t embrace His presence as constant. When times are hard, I’m known to rely on His presence more. Our family went through some mighty struggles in September of last year with the loss of my step-dad, my step-mom starting chemo and my granddaddy having major heart surgery. I can say with absolute conviction that especially during those times I relied greatly on the presence of God for sustaining grace and strength. But, why is it during those times when I embrace Him the most? I am not so foolish as to think that I don’t need Him every second of every day. So, why then, do I often live without acknowledging His presence in my every day life? I’m ashamed to admit that I go through this, but, frankly, I do. Instead of acting like God is right with me with every breath I take, I tend to fall into the needing of Him in tragedy rather than seeking His guidance in every day. And, that’s a staggering realization that I know I need to work through because I know for certain that God desires a relationship with me just as He desires a personal relationship with all that are His. This relationship shouldn’t be one-sided or one where I call out to Him only when I am faced with trials and burdens. I should walk with Him daily, so that His presence shines through me and into all that I do.

My desire is to have a closer and more personal relationship with my Savior. I am always a believer, but just believing isn’t living out the calling God has for my life. He has set me apart and that’s how I know I should live. I can only do that through close connection with Him. If I find that I am not feeling as connected with God, it is always me that has moved. God is faithful, steadfast and true. He is unchanging and everlasting. While I am humanly flawed, I know He’s patient and that I’m always a work in progress.

While it seems simple to say that I know God is with me daily, my prayer and goal is that I would live this out in my life. He’s not just the God of comfort, but also the God of guidance and truth. I can only achieve my full purpose in life through His grace and I can only do that through connection with Him. I’m thankful that I’ve been convicted, yet again, of how to better live for Him and through Him.



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