Coffee with Kel

Sweet Bea…

Today, I’m sharing a blog link that I hope you will read. The SweetBea Fund blog is a blog written by a local mom in our area whose oldest child has inoperable brain cancer. Bea is her daughter and she attends my girls’ school. This family needs support and the blog is there to help with that. I know you can’t always believe what’s written on the internet. Unfortunately, there are scam artists out there. So, please let me reassure anyone that reads SweetBea’s blog that this family is real and their needs are real. They need prayer, support and funds. If you feel lead to contribute in any way, there is information on the blog on how to do just that.

We are keeping Bea and her family in our prayers. We don’t know the family, personally, but they are a part of our community and we want to help as much as possible. One small way we can help is by helping to get the word out. So, please visit the site, add Bea and her family to your prayer list and make a donation if possible.



And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased…
Hebrews 13:16 


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