Coffee with Kel

Two Days into Whole 30…

Well, here I am…two days into the Whole 30 plan. And, I’m making it. Barely. No, I’m mostly just kidding around when I say that. It’s really not that bad, but, then again, I’m only two days, six meals, into this thing. For me, when I do any change in eating, the key for my success or failure is getting past day three. Seriously. I have gotten to day three in other plans before, sailed through and had success. I’ve also gotten to day three and fallen head first off other wagons. It’s make it or break it time. In other words, tomorrow is key. And, to that end, I’m preparing myself to steel my will, double down my resolve and continue to make it happen. I’ve done my meal prep, so at least I’m ready. That’s usually a deal breaker right there. I get behind, don’t have what I NEED to eat and…bam…I’m shame spiraling into QuitsVille. Not this time. Nope. I’m going to stick to it. Please wish me luck!

So, let me back up a little and talk about how I got here in the first place. I’ve been hearing about The Whole 30 for awhile now and have heard all along that yes, it’s challenging, but it’s worth sticking with to get results. And, frankly, I need a reboot. I won’t go into lots of detail at this point, but, well, a lot happened in the last year and I’m a stress eater PLUS I have a mouth full of sweet teeth AND carbs are delicious. Like I recently read on FB, “It’s all fun and games until your jeans don’t fit anymore.” Ahem. I’m not one to weigh myself because I get obsessive about it and the number drives me crazy. So, I honest to goodness, I have no earthly clue what I weigh right now and I’m okay with that. Ever since I gave up the scale, I have reminded myself that the number I am concerned about is the one on the tag in my jeans. In other words, as long as they fit well, I’m good. Well, right now, some do and some — not so much. Besides that, I’m prone to the winter blahs and I need an uplift in energy. Basically, it came down to the fact that I really felt like I needed a reboot. I wanted to do something different. I wanted to challenge myself. Surprisingly enough, I got Mickey on board too. So, we’re both doing it and we’re both determined to succeed. Yes, it’s challenging, but it’s not impossible. There are way harder things out there and I know it. I don’t even have to go into a list to say that people HAVE to do things every day that are unbelievably hard – they don’t even have a choice. So, I won’t begin to say what I’m doing is hard. Challenging? Sure. Any hardcore change, even for “just” a month, will have challenges. But, this isn’t hard. Hard is a word reserved for other things, not this. This, I can do. I may have stupid sugar withdrawal headaches and I may get the worst case of the grumps ever, but that’s temporary. Better things are to come and I am pushing forward to THOSE THINGS. Bring on the “tiger blood” and the better sleep. I’ll sludge through some headache mess for a better feeling ME. Oh yes…I sure will!

So, back to day two. It’s been a little bit on the BLAH side at times, but I find that my energy level tonight is elevated from what it normally would be at this time of day. I woke up with a wretched headache in the middle of the night last night, despite defusing my trusty oils, and I was MISERABLE, so I did cave and take some meds. That helped me rest which I needed. I had a dull headache most of the rest of the day, so I hydrated like it was my job. I also found that eating helped my headache subside. I know I’m not out of the woods as far as the “icks” from sugar detox go, but I’m seeing that it’s not insurmountable. (And, when I read this blog entry from Whole 30, I see the crazies are probably AHEAD of me for a few days yet. ACK! But, the pay off should be more than worth it!) What I know for sure is this — succeeding at something difficult will feel ten thousand times better than quitting when the going gets tough. I can hang tough. VIRTUAL FIST BUMP, PEOPLE!!

So, that’s where I am today. Two days down, 28 to go. It seems a long way off now, I’ll be honest, but the time is going to pass anyway, so I might as well be doing something to make me feel better. Plus, I have Mickey doing this too AND I have the support of friends also on the journey. If you’re on the journey too, I’d love to hear from you. To me, the keys are determination, preparation and dedication. I’m bringing it! Whole 30 or bust!



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