Coffee with Kel

Meet Ed, the Snow Guy

We wound up getting more than a dusting of snow today. Not MUCH more than a dusting, but enough to make Macey want to get out and play in it a bit. Mickey can never resist playing in snow either, so the two of them set out this afternoon to enjoy what little snow we got before it melted. They had been outside maybe 20 minutes when I heard two snowballs thud against the front door. I figured they either wanted me to open the door so they could pelt me with snowballs OR they just wanted my attention. Thankfully, they wanted my attention. (Whew!!) They also wanted me to get my camera. The two of them had built a really TALL snowman. I grabbed my camera and my zoom lens so I could stand in the front door and still shoot good pictures of their lovely creation.

Here they are putting the finishing touches on the snowman:

Love this one – can you see Macey? She discovered that I had come out with the camera:

Posing with their TALL snowman:

Mickey shows just how tall their snowman really IS:

Snowman huggers:

An adorable Miss Macey having fun in the snow:

You might wonder where Mariana was during all the snow fun. She was inside. Somewhat surprisingly, she wasn’t interested in going out to play in the snow today. She’s a little like her mama that way. We already played in it once this season, after all. 😉

Macey and Mickey had a ball building this big snow guy. When Macey came inside as I was uploading photos, I asked her the snowman’s name. She didn’t hesitate before she said “Ed.” So, he’s Ed…the tall snow guy. Hopefully he’ll still be standing tall in our front yard in the morning. I’ll keep y’all posted.

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