Coffee with Kel

Bottle It Up

Today is another BEAUTIFUL day. It’s approaching 80 outside (if not a little over 80) and the day is just gorgeous. It’s a day that I want to bottle up and save. I especially wish I could save it knowing that this week is supposed to start cooling off and it’s supposed to stay cool next week too. Granted, it IS only March and not even spring yet, so I suppose I should be happy for 50s and all, but…WAH. I am just loving these early days of spring so much. I know I don’t get my way though. We are supposed to get rain with these cooler temps and I’ll be thankful that spring showers bring those pretty flowers. Or, something like that. 

I’m still reeling from adding Level Two to my Biggest Loser Boot Camp work-out yesterday. I’m glad that tonight is Yoga night, let’s just say. I do plan to add the next level of Yoga too, but at least it won’t involve doing jumping jacks while holding weights in my hands. WHEW!! It’s the little things to be happy about when getting in shape, I suppose.

As I have been blogging more lately, I have also discovered more and more blogs. There are so many out there and so many that touch the heart. Today I found one for little Kayleigh Anne Freeman.  Kayleigh was a teeny tiny preemie eight months ago and is still in NICU care. Her parents are facing some financial struggles (to put it mildly) and a site has been set up for collecting donations to help this family. If you would like to help, check out Give 4 Kayleigh. I will also include a button link at the end of this post. Whether or not you are able to give financially, please join in with many others in praying for Kayleigh. I know that prayers go a LONG way  and I believe the family could use as many prayers as they can get. 

As I discover and read these new (to me) blogs, I realize more and more every day how great our God is. The stories I read sometimes break my heart, sometimes make me smile, but always ALWAYS give me furtherance of hope and faith. 


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